HMS( Hospital Management Software ) Modules
Front Desk
Simplified Front Desk Operations for ease of use
No more pain of navigating across screens and remembering UMR number
One simple and single screen to see patient data , acitivity and perform all tasks for the patient.

OVID HMS now has a single unified Front Desk screen to perform all the operations done by the Registration Desk and Billing Staff. Just search for a patient or add a patient and perform all the major tasks from this one screen.
Operations in Front Desk
- Patient Registration
- Advance Patient Search
- Appointment Booking , History, Cancellation , Rescheduling , Reminders , Whatsapp , Google Maps Review
- Pathology Lab Requests , History , Results Printing , Whatsapp , google Maps review
- Radiology Exam Requests , History , Results Printing , Whatsapp , google Maps review
- Patient Billing , Bill Printing , Bill History , Bill Payment
- Patient Prepaid Account - Credit , Refunds, History
- Patient Pending Charges
- Patient Payments History
- IPD Admission
OPD (Out Patient Department)
Generally, the Out Patient Department(OPD) is the most busiest department in any hospital during rush hours. OVID HMSimproves the overall cycle time and the wait time for a patient during OP and at the pharmacy and labs. OVID HMS Hospital Management Software was designed to ease things for the hospital staff while making sure that the software doesn’t introduce any overhead or latency to the entire process. The OPD module of OVID HMS software helps the hospitals and clinics to streamline their processes with no hassle at all. The OPD module is comprehensive and very intuitive and takes every aspect of OPD into consideration. OVID HMS is designed to meet the operational efficiency desired from the software systems for busy staff of the OPD. This module of OVID HMS covers the patient registration, appointment scheduling, appointment handling, writing prescriptions, lab tests.

IPD ( In-Patient Department)
As part of the IPD module, OVID HMS Hospital Management Software enables the front office staff to do the patient registration as well as admit the patient into the system while capturing all the possibly required data like vitals, sponsors , insurance etc. And then the doctors can provide their inputs w.r.t. Medications , lab tests , prescription , treatments , surgeries. Every data can be discretely stored in an organised manner and then can be viewed or downloaded or printed easily by the authorised people. Also, since OVID HMS has all the data regarding the patient’s admission and all the data during his stay at the hospital, the OVID HMS software gives a clear and detailed discharge summary for the admission which can be saved as a file , printed on paper or sent over email.
OT ( Operation Theatres ) Management
OVID HMS Hospital Management Software helps in scheduling surgeries more effectively and increases the utilization levels of the operation theaters and the doctors. Also, it helps the administration and doctors to plan their day and also the coming days more efficiently. Using OVID HMS, a surgery can be schedule with particular doctors, rescheduled , cancelled etc. Also, the notes and other important data pertaining to the surgery can be saved in the system. And when the doctors look at their calendar they can see their appointments , surgeries and in-patient related activities all at one place so that they can get the real and better picture of their day’s schedule.

Facility Management
As part of the IPD module, OVID HMS Hospital Management Software helps manage hospital facilities data like the branch details, rooms, wards and beds in each. The best part of OVID HMS is that you can view the hierarchy of your facilities and the what is inside each level. You get a bird’s eye view at each level. You get to see the layout of the rooms and the beds inside the facility. OVID HMS gives you the flexibility to add rooms and beds easily to the system along with all the details which help in managing the bed transfer and occupancy related processes in other areas of the software.
Pharmacy Inventory & Sales Management
OVID HMS covers all the functional processes carried out in pharmacies of any hospital. Using OVID HMS, the pharmacists can manage the stock , orders , GRN , invoices , sales and perform stock audit of the current stock. Also, OVID HMS Hospital Management Software gives flexibility to manage your own list of medicine manufacturers and the brand names of the drugs used in your hospital. The pricing information and the price history can be maintained against each item in the inventory. Either the pharmacist can enter the hand-written prescription into the system or issue the drugs against the prescription entered by the doctors. All the prescriptions are recorded and the history is maintained against patient’s electronic medical records.

Pathology Lab Management
The Pathology Lab Management module in OVID HMS Hospital Management Software is built in such a way that it can be used by the independent Pathology Lab centres as well as the pathology labs that are part of a hospital. The Pathology Lab module streamlines all the processes in the labs starting from maintain the list of tests that they administer, the pricing configuration for different tests. The components of each test. The test parameters and their expected range values for male, female , adult , old people are stored in OVID HMS system. So, when a test is administered, the test results directly show something is abnormal. Using OVID HMS, the labs can directly print the acknowledgement receipt , test results , test report , invoice for the payments received for the tests. For an independent lab, OVID HMS facilitates the front office of the lab to register the patients. For hospitals with their own pathology labs, the patient details are readily available for the lab staff. OVID HMS has the provision to maintain the hierarchy of Laboratories, Collection Centres. All the master data pertaining to the labs , tests and their components can be self managed by the labs or hospitals in OVID HMS. OVID HMS also has the provision to send the Email and SMS messages to patients and lab staff appropriately.