OVID HMS,a Cloud based Dental Software & Cloud Based Hospital Management System Software,suppoerts multiple specialities

Write for us

We are now seeking expert writers for content to be shared on our website.

Why You Should Write For Us

Writing for us is a great way to show your expertise and establish yourself as an expert in the field. Additionally, you get SEO benefits, exposure via our social media channels and our goodwill:-) . Because of the high number of guest post requests, we decided to add a “Write for Us” page clearly explaining the guidelines. Please go through them before sending your guest posts.

The benefits of becoming a contributor include:

  • It is a great way to grow your social media following and gain credibility for your expertise.
  • You will get more exposure. New content is published online every single day, the more websites you contribute to, the better.
  • We are very active in social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. All your article will be shared via these networks for additional exposure.
  • If you have a website, writing for us can help you gain exposure to a new audience and potentially new customers.
  • For experts your message will be reached to thousands of people looking for dental information all over the UK and around the world. This will also help you gain new visitors to your website, new followers, and potentially new customers.
  • Please note we will not pay for your articles

The Topics

  • Dental Practice
  • Dentistry
  • Medical Practice
  • Any Medical Specialisation
  • Hospital Management System

Submission Guidelines

  • Your article must be 500+ words and offer something valuable to our readers.
  • You can have a maximum of 2 self-serving links (one to your site/ blog and the other to any social media channel) in the author bio. You are free to link to other quality resources to add value to the article. But please refrain from excessive linking. In general, it’s best to keep the link count around 5.
  • Outgoing links must be relevant to our blog. For examples linking to dating sites, SEO agencies, Credit related sites etc. aren’t allowed.
  • Add subheadings, bullet points, paragraphs to make the article more readable. Subheadings should be h3 tags.
  • We reserve the right to do minor edits to your article.
  • Once published on our blog you cannot publish it anywhere else, including your own blog.
  • You can send your submissions as a word document or HTML file.
  • Images and videos are encouraged, they make the article look nice and grabs the readers attention.
  • Images width should be 580 pixels or less. Please send them as a separate attachment.
  • Make sure not to violate copyright when using images. Give credit when needed.
  • If you’re including technical diagrams like flowcharts, Gantt charts use ones found in our diagram community.
  • Check our blog publishing checklist for more detailed information.