1 GB storage space per user + Backup INR 350 per month per email address
To make sure you are spam free.
We make sure that your domain passes all the healthchecks for email services periodically.
None of the competitor does this because they don't care for your well-being but WE DO.
SPAM monitoring domain healthchecks email healthchecks 100% uptime regular and automated backups.
Inbuilt Virus Protection Works on Mobile , Tablets , PCs , Laptops.
We promise to our Customers that we won't snoop through your data and we are not going to sell your contact details to third parties.
Don't fall for the low price offerings by many big names who sell your data and contact details and make money on that.
We guarantee the confidentiality of your data which no one does in today's spamming and snooping world.
The big giants are offering services for very low price because they prey on our data. Whereas we don't do that.
Our only revenue model is through fair and excellent service.
Your data resides in India on Indian Servers. 100% Indian Company.
Easy payments
All Debit cards and Credit Cards accepted
VISA Master Card, Maestro , American Express, Paypal , SBI GST Tax Invoice.